All Who Wander Are Not Lost: How to Help a Senior with Dementia

All Who Wander Are Not Lost: How to Help a Senior with Dementia

National Nurses Week: May 6-11

Dominion of Louisville | Smiling senior woman walking down the community hallway with her caregiver

Within the senior living industry, and most assuredly at Dominion Senior Living, nurses serve as the backbone of care, offering not just medical expertise but also emotional support and companionship to residents. From administering medications to assisting with daily activities, they ensure that seniors receive the attention and assistance they need to thrive in their later years. Beyond their clinical duties, these nurses forge deep connections with residents, becoming trusted confidants and advocates for their well-being. Whether it’s lending a listening ear or providing a comforting presence, they go above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of those they serve.

This year, in honor of Nurse Appreciation Week, Dominion Senior Living has asked several of our dedicated nurses why they do what they do. This is what they said:

Mary Layne, who has worked for Dominion for over three years, loves working with seniors because she was primarily raised by her grandmother. She states, “I feel like by working with seniors I’m giving back to her in some way.”

Brittany Harris, who has worked for Dominion for nearly a year, enjoys working with seniors for their company, conversation, wisdom, honesty and their love for others. She claims, “I love helping others, and always thought I would be a doctor, but once I started caring for seniors, I knew nursing was for me.”

Megan Roberts, who has worked for Dominion for over six years, loves learning the resident’s histories, serving them with the best possible care and being their protectors. She chose to become a nurse because she has always been nurturing and caring towards others, and she felt nurse was a good fit.

Sheila Young, who has worked for Dominion for just three months, can’t get enough of the stories her residents have of their achievements, dreams and families. She chose nursing because she “wanted to provide care for others when they needed it most, when they are unable to care for themselves.”

Jessica Reece, who has worked for Dominion for nearly six years, grew up helping to take care of her grandmother after she had a stroke, which she credits to playing a large part in her decision to become a nurse. She feels like it is an honor to be trusted to take care of someone’s parent.

At Dominion Senior Living, nurses make a significant difference in the lives of seniors by providing not only essential medical care but also companionship, empathy, and emotional support. Through their dedication and compassion, nurses enhance the quality of life for seniors, fostering a sense of security, dignity, and connection in their later years. As we reflect on their invaluable role, we would like to take a moment to express our gratitude to these extraordinary individuals who continue to make a profound difference in the lives of our residents and their families each and every day.

To all of the Dominion nurses who work round-the-clock to love and care for our residents, thank you!

Wandering is a common symptom of dementia, and it can cause concern among family caregivers. Wandering can be distressing for both individuals with dementia and their families, as it poses risks to their safety and well-being.

However, there are strategies and resources available to help manage this behavior. This article will explore ways to keep someone with dementia from wandering and discuss how a dementia care facility can provide invaluable support to families.

Why Do Seniors Wander?

Wandering is a common symptom, particularly in the middle and later stages of Alzheimer’s. It is characterized by aimless movement, confusion about surroundings, and a desire to leave the current environment. Most seniors who wander are looking for something, believe they need to get somewhere or are trying to meet a need. Someone with dementia may wander for the following reasons:

Disorientation: Dementia can impair an individual’s ability to recognize familiar places or navigate their surroundings effectively.

Restlessness: Seniors with dementia may experience restlessness due to anxiety, boredom, or unmet needs, prompting them to wander in search of something familiar or stimulating.

Sundowning: Some individuals with dementia may exhibit increased confusion and agitation during the late afternoon or evening, leading to wandering behaviors.

Five Tips to Prevent Wandering

While it may be challenging to eliminate wandering, the following strategies can help reduce the likelihood and control some of the risks:

  1. Establish a routine: Creating a structured daily routine can provide a sense of familiarity and stability, reducing restlessness and confusion that often triggers wandering.
  2. Secure the environment: Install locks, alarms, or door knob covers to make exits more difficult to access. Camouflaging doors or using signs such as “stop” or “do not enter” may also deter wandering.
  3. Supervise and engage: Providing constant supervision and engaging the individual in meaningful activities can minimize restlessness and increase their sense of purpose, reducing the desire to wander.
  4. Ensure safety identification: Use identification bracelets, tags, or clothing labels with the person’s name, address, and contact information. These tools help ensure their safe return if they do wander.
  5. Create a calm environment: Reduce noise, clutter, and excessive stimuli within the living space, which can contribute to agitation and restlessness.
Dominion of Louisville | Smiling senior woman walking down the community hallway with her caregiver
Jacob Lund –

The Role of Memory Care Facilities

If in-home memory care has become too difficult to manage independently, a memory care facility specializing in comprehensive care and support for dementia can help. These facilities employ a multidisciplinary team of professionals trained in dementia care, offering a range of benefits to seniors with dementia and their families, including:

A secure environment

Memory care facilities are designed with the specific needs of individuals with dementia in mind. They incorporate safety measures such as locked doors, secure outdoor spaces, and alarm systems to prevent wandering and ensure the residents’ safety.

Specialized care and support

The staff are experienced in managing dementia-related behaviors and can provide personalized care plans to address each individual’s unique needs. They are trained to recognize and respond to wandering behaviors effectively.

Engaging activities

Memory care facilities offer structured daily activities and programs designed to engage individuals with dementia. These activities stimulate cognitive function, promote social interaction, and reduce restlessness, ultimately minimizing the desire to wander.

Emotional support for families

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be emotionally challenging. A community can cover all the bases with more comprehensive offerings than in-home memory care. Memory care facilities offer support groups, educational resources, and counseling services to help families navigate the complex journey of dementia care. Families have peace of mind, knowing their loved ones are in a secure and caring environment.

With proactive strategies and the support of a memory care facility, families can help mitigate the risks and provide a better environment for their loved ones. Implementing preventive measures, creating a structured routine, and considering specialized care and support can significantly enhance seniors’ lives and provide peace of mind for their families.

Remember, seeking professional assistance and exploring memory care facilities can help alleviate the challenges associated with dementia care, ensuring a better quality of life for everyone involved.


Is it time to find help for your loved one and family?

Contact us today to schedule a visit and see how great personal care and dementia care can be. We’re here to help you navigate the challenges of dementia.

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